Friday, 24 January 2014

Weight- heavy/light

This week we have had great fun comparing things to see if they were heavy or light! Look for things at home that are heavy and light. We used the scales to see which items were heavier.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Late Christmas Concert Pictures

A few late Christmas Show Pictures. Well done to everyone. They were super and a credit to you all. It was a busy night and I didn't get a chance to take many photos so here are just a few of the little stars.


Well done to the children who didn't miss a day from Sept to Christmas! Thanks to Mùinteoir Michelle for the lovely certificates and prizes. There will be more prizes for the children that don't miss a day from Christmas to Easter. Good luck everyone.

People in our Community

Look who came to visit Junior Infants; the doctor, nurse, fire man and the police! The children had great fun dressing up as the important people in our community!